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About Me. Your Marketing Swiss Army Knife

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I'm a results-oriented marketing professional with a passion for empowering brick-and-mortar and digital small businesses to thrive in the digital age. For over 2 decades, I've honed a diverse skillset encompassing content creation (writing, photography, videography, editing), website management, SEO optimization, social media marketing, campaign management, and data analysis (Google Analytics, Google Ads).

I partner with business owners to achieve their marketing goals through data-driven strategies. Uncover your unique business goals through in-depth chats. Launch digital campaigns with compelling content centered around your brand while leveraging the power of your industry keywords in articles optimized for search engine optimization. Grow your brand authority within your industry and get out in front of your customer base organically.

Helping small businesses capture attention and grow with engaging locally produced media.

I'm a photographer, videographer, editor along with SEO writer with over 20 years of experience crafting serious messaging for businesses of various types and sizes. I understand the unique challenges small businesses face – limited time, lack of media equipment, and new ideas for additional strategies.

Here's how I can help you:

  • Save you time and resources: I handle everything from concept development to final edit, freeing you to focus on running your business.

  • Professional-grade visuals: I have the skills and equipment to create stunning photos and videos that elevate your brand image.

  • Strategic storytelling: I work closely with you to understand your target audience and craft visuals that resonate with them.

  • Expertise across industries: Whether you need product shots, customer testimonials, or event coverage, I've got you covered.

Let me be your visual partner and help you tell your brand story in a way that drives results.


2001- 2003

University of North Florida

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