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2022 Digital Summit, Phoenix Seminar

How To Use Facebook To Position Your Business As

A #1 Resource For Your Customers with Desiree Martinez for

Images from Desiree Martinez presentation at the Digital Summit 2022.

-There are over 2 billion Facebook users, with 83% of Facebook

users being 45 and under.
-81% of businesses share video on Facebook.
-65% of Facebook users are consuming photos.
-89% of marketers use Facebook Advertising.
-98% of Facebook users access the app by any type of mobile device.
-85% of Facebook videos are watched with no sound.

-‘Facebook is for old people’ —internal researchers predicted that

daily use would decline 45% by 2023, especially with teenagers.
-Users want less polarizing content and more culture-creating and

socially relevant movements.
-Facebook and Apple are having a moment with not wanting

tracking. Research opt-out impacts our analytics.
-Facebook’s 2018 decision to change the News Feed algorithm to

emphasize “meaningful social interactions” instead generated a

spike in outrage and anger.
-57% believe Facebook is “primarily a harm to society” and 69%

believing the company has too much power.

So Why Should You Even Care?
-Looking to the future with Meta and Virtual Reality
-Incredible paid advertising opportunity
-Facebook Live is awesome for community building. Users are four times more likely to watch a live video compared to a recorded video.
-Facebook plans to invest $1 billion in those who create on the platform.
-Facebook Groups are still the leading place for focused or themed communities with more features and tools being invested in their success.
-Prioritizing Short Form video allows for brands and individuals to communicate with more Facebook users.

What to focus on so Facebook can work for you:
-Getting personal and vulnerable.

What are Reels?
Created in response to Tiktok, Reels are short vertical videos that are consisting of music, audio, text overlays, and more that users can create on Facebook app via their mobile device.

REELS In Detail:
-You can use Reels on your Facebook Profile of Facebook Business Page(coming for groups this year).
-Users can view, like, comment, and share like any other Facebook post.
-Found in REELS section at the top of the app and as posts in News Feed by friends and pages you follow.

Why You Need To Use Reels:
-Both Facebook and Instagram have stated they are prioritizing video in 2022 with an emphasis in Reels (basically it is getting more preference).
-“The Reels Play Bonus” will allow Reels creators to earn money.
-Will give you simple informative connections with your audience in microdoses.

The Formula:
-The Hook
-The Meat
-Bonus- Repurpose

What Is Facebook Live Circa 2022:
-Established feature. Facebook Live is the leading live video platform used by 38% of marketers.
-Facebook is making a big investment in Live Shopping.
-Can be accessed in all areas of Facebook- Profile, Pages, and Communities.
-Now established with audiences understanding what to expect.
-Vertical AND Horizontal.

Why You Need To Go Live:
-Facebook LOVES video, especially when they are created specifically for their platform. Facebook Live videos produce 6 times as many interactions as traditional videos.
-Allows for you to build an audience and community in a unique and personal way.
-Can be a pillar for your social strategy for long-form, search-based video-based content.

LIVE: What Should You Talk About?
-Product walkthroughs
-Product Launches
-News & Announcements

How Do I Do This?
1. Plan
2. Go Live
3. Repurpose

Why Does Being Personal Matter?
*Personal can still be professional, it just looks different than forced or fake. Being vulnerable and real build connection, which is what people want more than anything right now.

How Do I Do This?
-Identify the theme and interests of the brand.
-Put them into interest buckets.
-Establish stories around those interests.
-Create supporting media.
-Give a Call To Action.

Facebook Groups? Really?!
-Over 1.8 billion people use Facebook Groups
-The larger the Facebook group, the more videos that are published (probably because they are so engaging)
-There are over 10 million groups on Facebook.
-Niche-specific private Facebook Groups are becoming increasingly more useful for demand generation.

Okay, But What Do We Do?
-Create a group focused on something specific. It canNOT be a dumping ground for sale sales and spam posts.
-Focus on what value you give as an agency or individual and build from there.
-Be present and create a posting schedule.
-the objective is COMMUNITY not sales.

How Does Community Convert To Sales?
-You are creating a hub of like-minded people positioning yourself as the go-to-resource.
-Pared with relatability you can ‘push’ an objective.
-It is a place to network.


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