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How to use Google Search Console to Improve Your SEO
#googlesearchconsole, #seo, seotutorial Notes Recommendations of Oct. 16, 2019

Ahrefs’ Youtube Video Release

Tip #1: Improve clickthrough rate for underperforming keywords.
Under forming defined as “any page where you don’t rank in positions 1 and 2” this is based on CTR search volume stats. This is found in “Search Results Performance.” and click on the “Average CTR & Average Position” to activate that data on the screen.
Next set a “Positions Filter” at 8.1 to target raising returns to the absolute bottom of page one.
Then work with the results on the website pages to target the best keywords that make sense (vs non-sense) to try and get better search results. This takes experimentation.

Tip #2. Find and analyze pages with high keyword rankings, but low CTR.
Create Action Plan:
-Find which keywords have subpar CTRs
-Analyze the cause
-See if there’s a way to get more clicks and traffic.
From the Search Results Report change the Position Filter to show those with less than “3” meaning better than a Top 3 Ranking.
Next sort the “CTR” tab from lowest to highest.
CTR should be between 9-15% for High Impression keywords considering his typical strategy, but he took a look at an example and saw for specific search term “DIY SEO” the SERP top area was eaten up by a large snippet, video carousel, etc. So he quickly realized he could do a video tutorial to get in the carousel which could help as his was the top organic SERP otherwise all this oriented to improving CTR.

Tip #3. Check for sitemap errors, warnings, and exclusions.
Sitemaps are files that tell search engines which pages are important on your site.
They also help crawlers crawl your site more efficiently.
Click on SITE MAP REPORT and then the one you wish to check.

Tip #4. Find pages that need internal links or those that need to be pruned.
Best Dog Treats new post example…if several other posts related to Best Dog Treats have already been published you should go back and add the new post URL to the old content as if the old ones have “Link Authority” it can result in the newly released content getting indexed faster and ranked higher.
Note: Content without “many or any internal links it is likely a forgotten post meaning it probably doesn’t get much traffic or provide much value to your site”.
Visit “LINKS” report in Google Search Console.
Look at pages with low link counts internal and external.
A- Add more internal links pointing at other pages on the site.
B- Update the content and add more internal links.
After this go to google and type in: site:your domain/blog/ “keyword research” or whatever.
This will show pages with the applicable keywords and then you can go to those pages and add appropriate links where it makes sense.
Note: Google Search Console won’t tell you the number of pages with no links “Orphan” pages that won’t be crawled or indexed over time.

Limitations of Google Search Console:
-Can’t discover deeper technical issues on your site.
-No keyword volume data.
-You only have data for your site.
Suggested doing competitive analysis at Ahrefs as SEO requires you know how others are doing in relation to your SERP battles.

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