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The January 14, 2020 Jacksonville Online Marketing Meetup (the JOMM) was held at Office Evolution in Jacksonville with the featured presentation provided by Chris Ramaglia of
BroadBased Communications, Inc. The title of the presentation was From Leaky Bucket to Steady Leads.

Meeting started out with Mike of Office Evolution discussing their business in the Professional Office & Virtual Office business sector that is expanding to include a second location in Bartram area of Mandarin with 40 spaces. Pricing was mentioned including for those businesses strictly needing a mailbox address as they offer that service that is customizable to receiving some limited deliveries and messaging clients regarding them for $79/month.

Everyone introduced themself followed by Ramaglia starting his presentation providing an outline of how he would present which was

-Introduction & Primer, 9 Ways to Fix the Leaks & Q&A.

After noting his personal priorities being family-focused and helping clients organize all they do relative to their marketing he gave a primer that included stats that 96% of website visitors aren't ready to convert when they first visit your website. Eighty-one percent prefer NOT to talk to a salesperson and are thus looking for key indicators as to whether or not they will do business with you based on your web content. Ramaglia emphasized that 100% of these potential leads will ignore our digital strategies that come across as a hard sell. He referenced Hubspot as a great marketers resource noting their research shows 69% of marketers rate converting leads as a top priority.

Ramaglia referenced briefly without expounding on the point that good marketing should be optimizing for telling stories and be aware of the pattern "before...during...after." He noted our sites have to avoid all those technical dings that google for instance penalize for such as the lost rankings for slow load time but further emphasized the relevance of fast loading sites considering greater than 3-second loading results in more than 50% bounce rate from the site as our website visitors are impatient. So essentially Google's requirement that our sites load in under three seconds to maintain optimum ranking relative to that variable is focused on search client preferences and google is ranking sites higher that their customers prefer. All the standard issues were discussed regarding improving load speeds such as optimizing graphic images for the web and avoiding scripts that slow load speeds.

Ramaglia noted the hierarchy of where our varied web content fits into the sales funnel.

Still images and animations would be at the top of the funnel meaning essentially where we are fishing for leads. Customer testimonials and actionable content such as a clickable link for an e-book etc are at the bottom of the funnel where the lead is more qualified and considering doing business with you in some way whether it be downloading an ebook or contacting for a quote or making a purchase from your ecommerce platform.

Ramaglia dove into detail explaining his "9 Ways to Fix the Leaks" which broke down into the before, during and after categories including:
Before: Speed test your site and keep them running under 3 second load time. Make sure it is Mobile-friendly first and foremost and provide calls to action by making offers.
During: Optimize your lead magnet, provide website chat either live or via chatbot and use videos.
After: Utilize Email Nurturing, remarketing strategies and heat map technologies to audit your web traffic.

Slides are provided below as Ramaglia provided these visual aides and made ample time available for questions and answers. The meeting concluded at approximately 8pm and The JOMM graciously provided beer, wine, and pizza before, during and after the event. providing photoshoots and video shoot services including the use of drones and editing at competitive rates in Florida. We book individuals for fitness-oriented content along with commercial shoots for a variety of industries including real estate and manufacturing. Whether you need photos for your business,  personal portfolio or event John Hawley of is available by appointment. We also provide online marketing services including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), web development and copywriting services for a wide range of industries.  More Booking Information


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